Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Some photographic insight into you...

As I am sitting in a hotel room (once again) thinking of you and wishing I was back with you and your mom, I find myself flipping through a whole bunch of pictures of you that I have taken recently... and that your mom has sent to me while I travel.

So, without further ado, I share them with you!

You like your bouncer... a LOT!

I love how skeptical you look in this one.  My mental caption is:
"Really? This sleeper in THIS rocker?  Well, you're the parent..."

You love your Mow-Mow... and she loves you...

Such an angelic look... well, either that or you're plotting something truly evil.  You'll have to let me know once you can talk!

You love bath time!
...and eating bath toys...

But not only bath toys!  You also like to eat real food now.
This is the aftermath of you eating a jar of carrots.  Despite what it looks like, more got inside you than what was left outside.

And here we are out at the Apple Orchard.  Depending on where we end up, I think that apple picking and home-made cider might just be a staple of your life by the point you read this...

I love you, Liam, and I can't wait to be home tomorrow!



Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Heading out on a trip soon...

Hi Liam,

Tomorrow, I am going to be heading out on a little trip and I'm really feeling right now how much I'm going to miss you and your mom.

It started out as just a weekend getaway with my friend Jay (who you will probably know as Uncle Jay).  Yeah, that's right, cool Uncle Jay.  But then, my work came in and made me travel down to Florida for a few days for some training.  So, what was going to be four days has now turned into a full week.  I haven't had to be gone from your side for that long since you were born and I am not looking forward to it.

As for what I'll be doing with Uncle Jay, we're going to run a storyline for a Live Action Roleplaying Game called NERO.  I don't know whether I'll still be doing that when you're reading this, but then again, I never would have imagined that I'd still be doing it now when I started playing at age 17.

Here are some of the things we'll be doing while I'm gone:

1.  We're burying Jay.  It won't be really deep (and your mom is worried), but the players in the story will actually be digging him up and opening the coffin that he built with him inside it.

2.  I built a giant snake-monster for the players to fight.  It's about 20 feet long and has a big rattle for a tail.

3.  We made some spooky music to be played over the speakers for them.  It includes some eerie chanting and the roaring of the snake monster.

Anyways, I'll be missing you little guy, and I just wanted to say that here.


Your Dad