Tuesday, February 10, 2015

State of the Weeble Address: 1 Year Old

So here we are at the second State of the Weeble Address.  It's hard to believe, but you're already one year old!  And here we go!

Where do we live?:

Well, we're still living in Buffalo.  Remember when I said that Buffalo had famously bad winters?  Well, we now know that first hand.  Of course, because it's the way things go, this particular winter is the worst that they have had here in a long time.  In fact, you and your mom got trapped on the Interstate for 5 hours when a surprise blizzard crashed into town and left 7 feet of snow behind.

This has led us to decide that there is no way on Earth that we are staying in Buffalo.  That means it is incredibly unlikely that you'll have grown up in Buffalo and you'll only have crazy pictures to look back on about the place.
What's Mom doing?:

Mom is still a fellow at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.  She just finished up  a six month turn on research.  It was a new experience for her (right in line with that "constantly pushing herself" thing I mentioned in the last one of these.  Research taught her that an academic's life is probably not for her, but it will still likely be at least a part of what she does moving forward.

What's Dad doing?:

Still working for Marketsource.  I travel a little more than I would like, but overall the job still gives me a whole lot of time to spend hanging out with you.  I recently turned down a potential promotion, which was a weird experience for me.  I'll probably write a separate post about the promotion and why I turned it down, because it was a new experience for me and one that I learned a lot from.


  • Walking:  There is no stopping you now.  You started with a few wobbly steps in mid-December.  We had a lot of fun counting them for a while.  And then suddenly you're walking everywhere you go!
  • Talking:  We're pretty sure you haven't said your first word yet.  You do make a Da-Da sound and a Ma-Ma sound quite a bit, but it doesn't seem like it's really connected to me or your mom yet.
  • Eating:  You've pretty much moved away from formula now.  We give you a morning and a goodnight bottle now, but aside from that you're drinking whole milk and eating real food.  Your favorite foods right now are bananas and waffles.


Sir von WeeblyDay (your heroic identity)
Fruitcake (mostly retired... was mainly before you were born)

Favorite things:

You still love the Mickey Mouse clubhouse.

"Hooked on a Feeling" is your favorite song.  Every time that we either sing it to you or play it for you, you immediately start dancing!

Much to your Mom's chagrin, you love it when I toss you in the air.

You have the most infectious laugh.