Thursday, September 18, 2014


Hi Liam!

I'm not sure how old you will be when you first start reading this.  At this point, I don't have any particular plans about when I will reveal this to you.  Will it be when you go off to college?  Will it be when you first learn how to read?  I honestly have no idea right now.  I only know that I will be writing this for a long time before you first read it.

By way of introduction, I'm 41 years old at the time of this writing.  So, yeah, as I'm sure you know by this point, I'm a little older than the average dad with a 7-month-old son.

As I am sure you also know, I am absolutely thrilled to be your father.  Your mother has given me a lot of amazing gifts over the years (and more, I am sure, by the time that you read this).  Of all of them, though, the decision to have you is the absolute greatest.

The point of this blog is to try and chronicle some of the things that are going on in your life as the years go by.  I'm going to try to add in a few highlights each week.  This is designed to be a sort of living scrapbook so that later in life I can share all kinds of things that I might have otherwise forgotten.

I love you, buddy.

Your Dad

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