Monday, November 17, 2014

Another Road Trip... and love.


I am heading off today on another road trip for work.  I don't like leaving you and your mom, but it's for a good purpose.  This time I am going to Chicago to run some training sessions.  I've got 15 Ford executives who signed up to watch me in action tomorrow!  Belatedly, wish me luck!

But this post isn't about the road trip itself.

This post is about what you can do when you love someone.

Some day, you'll fall in love with someone.  And some day, you'll fall in love with someone who loves you, too.

When you do, and when that person decides to make the plunge and spend the rest of their life with you, you will experience ups and downs.  Not every day is paradise, though when it's right more often than not they are.

Always remember to take the time to make little gestures to let that person know how much you care about them. It can be easy to take someone special for granted, but life is just so much better when you force yourself not to.  Remember that we all have insecurities and that we can all get a little positive bump from even the smallest signs that the person we love still feels that way about us.

For example, I am going to be gone for a few days, so I left a bunch of little notes for your mom.  They're all just little things, but she'll find them from time to time while I'm gone and they'll remind her how much I would rather be home continuing to share my life with her.

So remember that!  And make surethe person you love knows how much you care!

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