Monday, November 16, 2015

Riding around!


This will seem like a small thing by the time you read it, I suppose.  For all I know now, you'll be driving a car by the time you read this post.

However, for this weekend, it was a big deal to me, so I'm sharing it.

You finally figured out how to properly ride on the scooter that you got for your birthday last year (when you turned one).

It was really fun to see you climb aboard it and just drive around the living room and the whole first floor of the apartment.

I am glad I got to see it, and the pride you obviously felt at doing it!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stay At Home Dad!

So, I mentioned in the last State of the Weeble Address that I am a stay at home Dad now, but I wanted to put up another post about it here!

Basically, we have reached a point that we can afford to get by on just one income, your Mom's.  I don't know how much things will have changed in the world by the time you read this.  Right now, it's a rare and wonderful thing for any family to not have two incomes, and even stranger still that it is the father who is staying home.

It is absolutely wonderful!  With your older brother, Derek, I had to work a lot of hours and missed so much of his early days.  It is just amazing to be here with you and see the little changes and learning that you go through on a daily basis.  It's only been a week now, but it is already just so wondrous to me.

We're definitely keeping busy on a daily basis.  We go to the YMCA every day, where you get to meet and play with other kids your age in their Child Watch program while I run and then you have lots of fun at the Alaskan Adventure indoor playground.  I'm attaching some pictures of that for you!

You've really taken to loving it when we read books together, too.  Your favorites are your animal books with pictures of animals.  You just learned to say Elephant and Crocodile and pointing to their pictures!

I love you, Liam!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

State of the Weeble Address: 18 months

Weeeeebs!  Sorry that this one is a little late, though I suppose it won't be late for you.  So much has happened since you were one year old and I'm going to do my best to make sure that I report it all here!

Where do we live?:

Well, we're still living in Buffalo.  That's no surprise, of course, because we knew that we would be here for two years.  However, the exciting thing is that this will be the last State of the Weeble Address written from Buffalo.  

We have made the decision to move to Springfield, Missouri for your mother to take an amazing opportunity performing Head and Neck Cancer Surgery there.  It looks like an amazing place, with lots of fun outdoor activity for us to explore together, in addition to being a nice-sized city.  Though there are no guarantees that we will be there still at the time you're reading this, I feel pretty confident that you will have memories of the place and growing up there!  We'll see, I guess!

What's Mom doing?:

Mom is still a fellow at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.  As mentioned above, she's made the decision for her to make great use of her new education in Springfield performing Head and Neck Cancer Surgery.  She's got things going very well in Western New York at the moment and has been able to really become a pro at what she's doing.

What's Dad doing?:

Here's another piece of exciting news!  I just became a full-time, stay-at-home dad.  While I am not sure about a lot of things, I know that you're going to have memories of spending a LOT of time with me from here on out.  I have so many ideas about the future and the many adventures that we will share together.


  • Walking:  Walking, running, climbing, sitting in a big-boy chair.  You're doing it all now.  You can be a little clumsy and you tend to lead with your head, but you are absolutely fearless.  There is nothing that you're afraid to climb up or down, from stairs to the couches.
  • Talking:  You're really beginning to talk now.  The words are a bit choppy, to be honest, but you're really catching onto this whole thing about sounds that come from your mouth being connected to things in the real world.  It's funny, because just a couple months ago, you weren't really doing it.  But then the doctor said you should know fifty words soon and you suddenly caught on and started doing it!  You, apparently, really like a challenge.
  • Eating:  No more bottles for you!  You are quite an adventurous eater and seem to be willing to try just about everything. Unfortunately, when you don't like something, it just seems to come right back out of your mouth.  You haven't really figured out how to use normal cups yet, though.  If it's not in a sippy cup, you tend to just dump the liquid within all over yourself.


Sir von WeeblyDay (your heroic identity)
Fruitcake is totally retired now.

Favorite things:

You still love the Mickey Mouse clubhouse.

"Hooked on a Feeling" has been bumped aside by "Cotton-Eye Joe" by Rednex.  Whenever it comes on, you just start twirling around in circles.  That's how you dance! 

You still love to be tossed in the air, and your Mom has gotten used to it now.

Sneezing is the funniest thing in the world to you.  I'm attaching a video of you laughing hysterically while it happens.

You have the most infectious laugh, which you will hear in the attached video!

Liam and the sneezing!  The funniest situation ever (to your little, growing mind)!

Your first school pictures, from Doodle Bugs.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Exciting Times


If you've been reading these in chronological order (and not cheating), then you know that one of the big questions hanging over us to this point has been where we're going to be living.  I know that's probably a funny thought to you.  After all, you've been growing up for who knows how long in the place that we'll end up picking, but as natural as that place probably seems to you, it's a big question on the table for us.

At this point, it's really down to two big contenders.  Either one could end up being the place, though they're very different places.  Here is the basic rundown:

  1. Florence, SC.  This is a fancy hospital in a small town in South Carolina, where the weather is beautiful.  If this is the place where you grew up, I imagine that you have lots and lots of great memories of lots of time spent at Myrtle Beach.  You might have even learned how to surf at some point in our adventures.
  2. Laconia, NH.  This hospital is located in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire.  If this is the place where you grew up, then I bet you have lots of great memories of hiking all up and down the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
Like everything in life, there are positives and negatives to both decisions.  It's really high on my mind right now because we're going to New Hampshire tomorrow to interview for the job there.  I'm sure that you know this about me by now, but I grew up on the border of New Hampshire.  Even if we don't end up moving there, it is going to be really fun to show you and your mom all of the fun and incredible places that were a part of my childhood there.

I can't wait to find out where you're going to grow up!



Friday, July 10, 2015

Tragic Losses

Hey Weebs,

I've been struggling with how to write this one and what to say.  I'm currently in Michigan helping my best friend, your Uncle Jay, deal with the unbelievable and shocking loss of his wife Laura, who passed away last week.

Dealing with loss is hard, and it's even harder when it comes so unexpectedly. She was only 39 years old and she had four children, who are 9, 10, 17, and 19.

I've decided that there are three parts that I'd like to talk to you about.


One of the trickiest parts of loss can be the realization that you have regrets.  They can come in a lot of forms.  You might wish that you had appreciated the person who is gone more while they were with you.  You might wish that you had spent more time with them or that you had taken the time to let them know just how important they are to you.

Regret will always be there no matter what you do.  None of us are perfect, so that is the first thing to make sure that you tell yourself.

But you can also make an effort, every day, to maximize your efforts to combat these potential regrets.  It can be so easy to get wrapped up in everyday things in life.  But if you take the time to focus on the things that really matter every day, you will never regret the time you spend doing that.

Tell the people in your life that you life them.  More importantly, show them by making a real effort to spend quality time with them every day.


It hurts, Weebs.  It hurts to have a part of your life, someone important to you, taken away before their time.

But when you think about the pain, you should remember that it comes from happiness.  You can't have grief without love.  Terrible pain and grief at the loss means that you were given wonderful love and happiness by the person who is gone.  It's not easy, but focusing on that love can help to ease the pain.

Being there

As hard as it is to do when you're consumed by grief, you need to try to remember that there are other people in the world who still love you and care for you.  There are others who are hurting at the loss as well and who want to share their love and comfort with you.

The temptation to retreat away and hide is strong, and sometimes it can even be the best thing to do.  But, at other times, you should just let yourself be comforted and supported by those people.

Weebs, it's never easy, and you should remember that there is never a right or wrong way to grieve.  These are just some ideas flashing through my mind while I try my best to help.

I love you.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Your Name


So, I imagine that by the time you read this, I'll have already talked to you about your last name.  In fact, based on how often I've been explaining it to people lately, I am quite confident that it's something you're going to be asked about quite a lot.

In any case, I feel inspired to talk about it to you here.  And who knows, maybe I'll do a better job explaining it here than I ever did in person!

As a general rule, when a man and woman are married, the woman gives up her last name and takes the last name of her husband.  Then, any children who are born also take the last name of the husband.  In some cases, the wife will keep her last name or will hyphenate it.  For example, if your mother had decided to hyphenate, her last name would have been Mimikos-Godfrey.  Yeah, that would have been a long one.  When the mother hyphenates, the children usually get the hyphenated last name.

Obviously, with you, we didn't go with any of those options.  When we married, your mother kept her last name.  This was partially because she had built up a professional identity as Dr. Christina Mimikos.  It was also partially because she really likes her name and the family that it represents.  As you've met the Mimikos family by now, I am sure that you also like them.

When we got married, we didn't have any sort of discussion about what last name any children would have.  That's because we didn't plan on having children.  Your mother didn't have any idea at that point that this would change and that she would make me the luckiest man in the world for the second time (once when she married me, and then when you were born!)

After we decided that we wanted to bring a child into the world, we began to discuss your last name.  Should we hyphenate?  Should you be a Godfrey?  Should you be a Mimikos?

It did not take long for me to realize that you should definitely be a Mimikos.  As I mentioned before, it is an incredible family, and one that I am proud and happy to have become a part of.  Also, despite the size of the family, there is only one boy with the last name Mimikos who could potentially pass on the name to another generation.  It felt sad to me that such a great family would lose its name like that, and I knew that I would be proud to have my son carry on the name into the future.

To say the least, this decision was met with happiness by your mother and concern by everyone else in the world.  Everyone who objected basically had the same concerns at the end of the day.  It wasn't traditional.  It wasn't done.  It wasn't normal.

And they're right.  I'm sure that we're not the ONLY family to ever do this, but it's rare enough that I haven't ever met anyone else who has done it.

I've already explained why I wanted you to be a Mimikos, But were those reasons really justification enough to buck such a long-standing tradition?

Yes.  Yes, they were.  But even more so when you consider the reason for the tradition.

Why do women take their husbands names?  It dates back to a time when women weren't allowed to own property.  They weren't allowed to vote.  For all intents and purposes, they were the property of their husbands and the men of their husband's family.  If the husband passed away, in most cases, the wife did not gain the property that he owned.  She would simply be allowed to live out her life on the property and then all of it would pass to any male children or back to the closest male in the husband's family.

Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn't it?  It's a terrible time in the past, and one that still has repercussions in today's world.  Women have harder times breaking into traditionally male careers (your Mom has stories about becoming a surgeon).  Women make less money for doing the same jobs that men do.  I could go on, but that's not what this post is really about.

What this post IS about is telling you that sometimes the right thing to do is to break tradition.  Sometimes, without even realizing it, by continuing to follow a tradition, we are supporting something wrong.  Now, I'm not saying that women who take their husband's names are giving up their rights to do so.  I'm just saying that the tradition has no merit to me.

Liam, you are going to grow up in this world as a white male.  Like me, you basically won the genetic lottery.  Unless things have changed drastically by the time you read this (and, sadly, I know they haven't), you will walk through life with all sorts of privileges that women and people of other ethnic origins do not have.  Oftentimes, like with this whole naming thing, they are hidden and invisible.  These privileges don't make us bad people.  They are just the realities of the world.

I hope that you'll take a little inspiration from your name and what it means.  I hope that, in your life, you'll keep an open eye for things like this and do the right thing.

Your name is a little opportunity to talk about important things.

Your name represents a wonderful and loving family with deep roots.

Your name displays my love for the most loving, powerful, and gifted woman I have ever met.

Wear it with pride.

Playing with your Big Brother


As you continue to grow up, you just become more and more active, able, mobile, and fun.

An extra special side effect of these things is that you're able to play more and more with your big brother Derek.  

Of course, as the below videos and pictures show, it's obvious that there is a big age difference between you and Derek.  He was, after all, 14 years old when you were born and turned 15 shortly after that.

Despite that age difference, however, you guys are already having a lot of fun playing together.  I can definitely see a lot of great times coming in the future with you two and I can't wait to see it all happen!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

State of the Weeble Address: 1 Year Old

So here we are at the second State of the Weeble Address.  It's hard to believe, but you're already one year old!  And here we go!

Where do we live?:

Well, we're still living in Buffalo.  Remember when I said that Buffalo had famously bad winters?  Well, we now know that first hand.  Of course, because it's the way things go, this particular winter is the worst that they have had here in a long time.  In fact, you and your mom got trapped on the Interstate for 5 hours when a surprise blizzard crashed into town and left 7 feet of snow behind.

This has led us to decide that there is no way on Earth that we are staying in Buffalo.  That means it is incredibly unlikely that you'll have grown up in Buffalo and you'll only have crazy pictures to look back on about the place.
What's Mom doing?:

Mom is still a fellow at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.  She just finished up  a six month turn on research.  It was a new experience for her (right in line with that "constantly pushing herself" thing I mentioned in the last one of these.  Research taught her that an academic's life is probably not for her, but it will still likely be at least a part of what she does moving forward.

What's Dad doing?:

Still working for Marketsource.  I travel a little more than I would like, but overall the job still gives me a whole lot of time to spend hanging out with you.  I recently turned down a potential promotion, which was a weird experience for me.  I'll probably write a separate post about the promotion and why I turned it down, because it was a new experience for me and one that I learned a lot from.


  • Walking:  There is no stopping you now.  You started with a few wobbly steps in mid-December.  We had a lot of fun counting them for a while.  And then suddenly you're walking everywhere you go!
  • Talking:  We're pretty sure you haven't said your first word yet.  You do make a Da-Da sound and a Ma-Ma sound quite a bit, but it doesn't seem like it's really connected to me or your mom yet.
  • Eating:  You've pretty much moved away from formula now.  We give you a morning and a goodnight bottle now, but aside from that you're drinking whole milk and eating real food.  Your favorite foods right now are bananas and waffles.


Sir von WeeblyDay (your heroic identity)
Fruitcake (mostly retired... was mainly before you were born)

Favorite things:

You still love the Mickey Mouse clubhouse.

"Hooked on a Feeling" is your favorite song.  Every time that we either sing it to you or play it for you, you immediately start dancing!

Much to your Mom's chagrin, you love it when I toss you in the air.

You have the most infectious laugh.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hidden Stories

This is your second cousin Joe Young and his wife Dina.  We just recently went to their wedding.  It was a beautiful ceremony and a wonderful celebration of two people who are very clearly in love.  I am sure that you will, at the time you read this, have some wonderful memories of them and probably lots of fun adventures with their children.

But I'm not writing this post just to talk about some of the wonderful people you'll have in your life.

I'm writing instead about something that I was reminded of at this wedding and in the picture above.  Underneath that canopy at the back of the picture, there is a man that you can barely see.  His name is Jeff Clark.  Obviously, you wouldn't even know that he was in the picture if I hadn't pointed it out just now.

What this picture doesn't tell you is that Jeff Clark is Joe's stepdad.  He came into Joe's life (marrying his mother) when Joe was pretty young and ended up playing a pretty big part in Joe's life.  On this wedding day, I don't think it would have been possible for Jeff to be prouder.  I watched him almost break down in tears on multiple occasions as he stood witness to the marriage of a young man who is a son to him in every way but biology.  It brought me to tears myself.

I hope that you can take a little lesson from this, Liam.  Looking at the surface of a place, a person, or a situation, you can never really know the whole story.  There is always more going on behind the scenes that we can't understand unless we consciously take the time to.

So, when you're faced with a situation where someone makes you upset or does something that you disagree with, take a moment to reflect and wonder what pieces of the picture you're not seeing.  There is probably something that you don't know that is influencing their reasoning and making their actions seem completely reasonable to them.

Love you lots little guy!
